Advice for Young People
Are you between 14 and 18 years of age and need a doctors appointment?
Here is some information you will find useful.
From the age of 14 you can see a doctor without the presence of a parent or guardian. In most circumstances any information disclosed in the appointment will stay between you and the doctor, this is called confidentiality and all doctors have to follow it.The only time a doctor would pass on information to your parents is if they thought that you were in danger of being harmed. In this instance they would discuss it with you and make sure that you were aware of everything that they were going to tell them.
For more information on confidentiality visit: childline's talking about private stuff page
To make an appointment you need to ring the surgery at 0191 216 4920. The staff will try an appointment time that is convenient for you.
The opening hours are from:
Monday | 8:00-18:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00-18:00 |
Wednesday | 8:00-18:00 |
Thursday | 7:00-20:30 |
Friday | 8:00-18:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Schools will let you leave to attend a doctors appointment but sometimes it is easier for you to go either before or after school hours, if you tell the person who you are making the appointment with they will do their best to try and arrange it for you.
Childline: 0800 111
Samaritans 116 123
Mental health conditions are one of the most prominent issues faced by young people today. You can ring up and make an appointment to speak to your GP if anything is concerning you. Here are a few websites that you may also find helpful. One in four people will be affected by neurological disorders at one point in their life, you are not alone.
How to talk to your GP about anxiety?
What can your GP do for depression?
Self Harm
Helping yourself with self harm
Services in the practice
- Chlamydia screening (15-24 year olds)
- Contraceptive advice
- Free condom centre- you can ask at reception for condoms or "supplies" if you are too embarrassed to say condoms
Useful links
The law on consenting for young people
Services in Newcastle
- Streetwise centre
- School Nurse - can issue you a C-card for free contraception
- Condom finder (there are many centres in the North East that can issue free condoms/contraception to you if you have a C-card)
Lil Lets becoming a teen website
Many teenagers can feel isolated and lonely at times. Why not try one of these activities to meet new people?
- Killingworth young people's football club
- Guides or Senior Section (no skill or practice required)
- Martial Arts
- Simply Dance Academy
- NEMCO Orchestra
- Scouts/Explorer Scouts
- National Citizenship Service (15-17 years)
- DofE (14-25 years)