Practice Policies

Practice Policies

Subject Access Request Policy

GDPR - Fair Processing.

You can read a full statement here Practice Fair Processing Privacy Notice

Records and confidentiality.

Most patient information is held on computer. All personal information is confidential and the consent of individual patients is needed before it can be given to anyone else. Sometimes we may need to share information with other professionals involved in your care, but they also have a legal duty to keep it confidential.

You are entitled to see your health records if you want to do this, please ask at reception for details. If you want to make a Subject Access Report, please download and complete this form and return it to us Application for Access to Medical Records


Violent and aggressive patients

 This practice has a zero tolerance approach and we reserve the right to remove any patient who is violent, aggressive or abusive to GP’s, nurses, practice staff or other patients from our practice list.

 Recording calls

It is our practice policy to record telephone calls.  This is for your protection and for ours.  It helps us to resolve complaints and to check the factual accuracy of information we have given. 

Named accountable GP

In line with government policy, all our patients have been allocated to a named GP.  This does not have any impact on your right to see any GP of your choice; as all our doctors work part time, the days on which each GP works is limited.

If you wish to check the identity of your named GP just ask us and we will let you know.